Angel's Reach Minecraft

There is currently 1 player online.

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  1. Use common sense, this is a 13+ community but kids are sometimes present!
  2. Do not post NSFW Content.
  3. Report innapropriate behavior or abuse.
  4. Ask VergilPrime before posting advertising content.


Disclaimer: All chat, whispers and other communication is visible in server logs. General chat is shared with some discord channels.

  1. Be civil in chat.
  2. No spamming or advertising.
  3. No racism.
  4. No adult content.
  5. No harassment.
  6. PVP is allowed.
  7. Raiding is allowed.
  8. Use AngelProtect to protect your land.
  9. No hack clients.
  10. No fly hacks.
  11. No x-ray.
  12. No PVP hacks.
  13. Minimaps are allowed.


Disclaimer: Chat in some channels is shared with Minecraft servers.

  1. Use common sense, this is a 13+ community but kids are sometimes present!
  2. Do not post NSFW Content.
  3. Report innapropriate behavior or abuse to staff.
  4. Don't spam chat or abuse pings.
  5. Ask VergilPrime before posting self-promoting content.
  6. Don't bother people to join your discord or other gaming community if you don't know them.
  7. Do not violate Discord's Terms of Service.